About US

Welcome to Zzenful we are a friendly family online store proving a selection of art, candles, aromas and free resources, that we hope will bring you relaxation and happiness.

 Personal growth and wellbeing is so important in this modern day and age, more than ever we sometimes just need a place to relax. Surrounding ourselves with beautiful images, soft lighting, pleasing sounds and calming smells all helps us unwind, even if only for a few minutes. 

 We also want to help you develop skills and relaxation lessons, provide you with a wonderful environment and resources. Creating a physical and mental place where you can enjoy a peaceful moment, keeping intouch with your inner peace, ideology and well being, free your mind and bring balance to where you live or work.

 A bit more

 We are going to provide many new works of art within the space of minimalism, relaxation and mindfulness and make it as creative and interesting as possible for you, as well as provide resources to help nurture the power of your mind.

Owner Gareth, after many years of busy working in the creative industry, many long hours and sometimes feeling a bit over whelmed with it all,  it is so important to have time out, time for yourself to relax, rest your mind and body from all the stresses of modern day life. Hence the beginning of Zzenful. 

We all need time to enjoy quiet peace, nature and relaxing space. Things around you, the scented smells, decor, beautiful images all helps clear your mind and soul and brings a sense of well being and calm. 

I also believe exercise is an important factor, be it a sport or yoga can also help enormously especially if trying to overcome a traumatic event in your life and get back on your feet. 

My own personal therapy is relaxation exercises, sports and photography and I hope we can help you in some way with your needs and personal development in bringing you a some balance to your life, as we all need to be free from stress and make the most of enjoying life around us.

Izzy (daughter and social marketing guru) really enjoys yoga, gym, mindfulness and wellbeing (and the odd dance Rave festival). Between us and the rest of the team our goal is to help provide you all the elements to enlighten your senses, smells, vision and sound.

We hope you enjoy our store and through our art and products we hope you also will encompass the same sense of enjoyment, calm and simple beauty…your own little bit of Zzenfulness :)